Bangkok Hospital

Bangkok Hospital is allways in the front line !



Bangkok hospital is a member of Bangkok Dusit medical Services (BDMS) one of Thailand Biggest and best Private Healthcare Organisations. Bangkok Hospital Headquarters campus consists of five hospitals Bangkok Hospital, Bangkok International Hospital, Bangkok Heart Hospital, Bangkok Cancer Hospital (Wattanosoth) and Chiva Transitional Care Hospital. Offering multilingual staff, translators and the highest quality facilities to ensure a comfortable and well-informed experience for all patients.




With the following awards and accreditations

-Global CAMTS and CAMTS – accreditation of medical transport systems  

Bangkok Hospital and Bangkok International Hospital are both members of a very big and comprehensive private healthcare organisation in Thailand. This organisation is the most prestigeus private medical institution in the country and the first healthcare organisation which has passed the indices in the area of economy, society and enviroment of DJSI ( Dow Jones sustainability Index).

Bangkok International Hospital offers excellent information on the website below: 
Go to the website !
Bangkok Hospital Centers and Clinics:
1. Heart

2. Cancer
3. Bone
4. Brain
5. Trauma
6, Dental
7. Health Check-up  


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Bangkok Hospital’s technologies are often at the forefront globally. Here are some examples:     

Robot-Assisted Surgery

The Da Vinci Xi Robot-Assisted Surgery – An Intelligent Surgical Solution For Minimally Invasive Surgery To Enhance Precision Even In Hard-To-Reach Areas

Pet/CT Scan Flow Motion

PET/CT with flow technology is the world’s first PET/CT system to eliminate the demand for stop-and-go imaging since the scanning is based on a single continuous motion of the patient table. Not only less time consuming, PET/CT Flow also provides patients a smooth and convenient scan.

EDGE New Era of Radiosurgery

The underlying idea of radiosurgery is a high-intensity beams of radiation are used with great precision and accuracy to destroy cancer cells within 1-5 treatment sessions as opposed to several weeks with conventional radiotherapy.